Mr. K.G. Adlakha

Managing Director, St. Luke Educational Institutions

“Our social structures have created extremely complicated survival processes. A child’s ability to look at life with utter freshness and involvement is slowly disappearing. It is the duty and responsibility of our educational systems to bring that back. Education can never be a profession – it must be a passion. In the process of education, it is very important to see that the child does not lose his joyfulness, his spontaneity, or his ability to be truthful without any fear of consequences. Education is about expanding the horizons of human experience and becoming inclusive.”


Mr. KAPIL Adlakha

Principal, St. Luke Convent School

“As we look forward to the future, we envision St. Luke Convent school, Chandpur as a place where excellence in education means providing the knowledge, skills, abilities, attitude and beliefs that are essential for a productive and successful life of a student. We recognize that these goals are best achieved when the school provides an environment in which educators, parents, staff and others develop and practice core values that benefit the academic, emotional and social needs of all children.”

Because you deserve to shine.

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